European Swollen Ankle Solution
The French Secret
Helps Reduce occasional Ankle Swelling.
Support for Heavy, Tired Feet & Ankles.
Support for Vein Tone & Strength.
Support for Tired, Swollen Legs.
The Citrus Secret (Citruvia™) for Legs that Look & Feel Great.
What causes feet, ankles and legs to become swollen, uncomfortable, tired and heavy? An aging circulatory system, weight gain, standing for long period, sitting for long periods and diet all contribute to poor circulation and discomfort.
Circulation is compromised when veins and blood vessels becomes weaker or damaged. When the veins and their valves weaken, they have difficulty fighting gravity and pumping blood back to the heart. This can cause blood to pool around the ankle, lower leg and feet. Weak veins and vein valves allow blood to pool, the result is swollen, tired, restless, heavy, feet, ankles and legs.
Hemodas™ European Ankle & Foot Solution promotes healthy circulation and the youthful appearance and feeling of the legs by supporting veins and blood vessels. As a powerful antioxidant, Hemodas™ has shown to support tone and elasticity of the veins. Hemodas™ also supports healthy blood flow, supplying oxygen and other key nutrients to the legs, feet and ankles.
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